FOAM in Milford Haven is one of 50 Welsh cafes highlighted in a new book.

Caffis Cymru, by Lowri Haf Cooke, celebrates tea shops, coffee houses and sandwich bars across the land, and is accompanied by striking images from photographer Emyr Young.

Lowri Haf Cooke said: “Welsh cafes in their various guises have been meeting points and great social hotspots for many years.

"From the 18th and 19th century coffee houses to the Victorian tea rooms, from the Bracchi cafes to the Milk bars, they’ve all played an important part in Wales’s social history.

“By the turn of the millenium, a number of local cafes were usurped by the high street giants.

"But there has been a new trend in recent years as we turn back to independent cafes, tearooms and

artisan coffee."

Caffis Cymru is available at your local bookshop for £6.99 or directly from the publisher Gomer Press on