PLANS to change the frequency of black bag rubbish collections, alongside other measures to increase recycling, have not gone down well with Mercury readers.

Facebook user Michelle Smith said: "The council has lost their mind, like our houses have enough space for all these so-called different bags or bins?

"I'm a family of six, do you honestly think this is going to work?

"I mean nappies sitting in bags for two weeks are going to be stinking, causing flies and maggots.

"We don't have enough time to sort through our rubbish a the kerb side, how is that going to work if you have a baby or toddler?

"You can't leave them in house on their own.

"And £100 fixed penalty, well most people don't even get that much a week to start with."

Said Patricia Pierce: "I am a pensioner, living on a farm.

"To take all the boxes down to the end of the yard gate will be impossible!"

Sarah Ann added: "Let me get this right, we have a 12.5 per cent increase in council tax, and we have to pay £30 to £40 on new recycling boxes.

"They can also afford to employ six enforcement officers... bonkers."

Graham Roberts predicted an increase in illegal fly-tipping, a sentiment echoed by Tina Hawkins, while Paul Bowman said the county would 'end up looking like a tip'.

Sian Louise Warlow said she recycles a lot, but still relies on black bags.

"A lot still can’t be recycled, and the time all of this is going to take," she said.

"I’m feeling sorry for the elderly with no or not a lot of family."

To read more about the plans, click here.