WHY is it that every week all we get is negative news from PCC?

Among the lastest cut backs have been the buses - maybe there should a better link and more regular schedule, then more locals would use public transport.

Recently we’ve also had Sunnybank pensioners being kicked out – what has been done the last 50 years with this building?

There was money for the new records office to be built (2013).

The Old Library – needs a new location?- then into Prendergast building.

As for cut backs with markets – look at our county town. Every second/third shop closed – like a ghost town.

Drop the rental fees – give one a chance to build up a business and jobs.

We need a bright future.

In the meantime they preach to us save! Why? We the people are not the spenders – the PCC/Government has already decided to save £20 million, while Carms only £12 million?

Then a budget of £337 million while Carms have £333 million – meanwhile £280 million on a racetrack for Wales!

All over the world people are getting out on the streets and protesting against their governments and leaders – we certainly have a battle on our hands -Withybush Hospital needs help – Pembrokeshire needs help – is it time for the brooms to come out of the closets?

The battle is still on.

