WITH reference to your recent article (Wednesday, November 12) on the refusal of planning permission for the erection of a third wind turbine on the hill above Panteg, I agree with Mr Griffiths’ statement that for too long the objections of local residents have been ignored, leading to the erection of two 35m wind turbines at the edge of the village.

I wrote to the planning department to complain about their failure to address our legitimate concerns in relation to inappropriate development so close to the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, but didn’t receive the courtesy of a reply.

I was disgusted when, without any proper debate, Scleddau Community Council voted in favour of a third wind turbine without considering the implications for the residents of Panteg or taking the trouble to consult them.

This was a failure of local democracy and a betrayal of the majority of Panteg’s residents.

Anyone who thinks that Scleddau Community Council is serving the local community in matters related to planning should go along to one of their meetings to discover the depressing truth.

When SCC informed the planning department of their approval of the planning application, they misrepresented the wishes of a large number of Panteg residents, including Mr Griffiths.

One more point: people should know that the farm seeking to inflict another wind turbine on their unenthusiastic neighbours already has two extensive barns covered with arrays of solar panels and is a welldiversified business.

The claim that this farm requires a wind turbine to ensure its survival should be met with a healthy dose of scepticism. It is also the same claim made by other farmers: their businesses are about to collapse unless they are given permission to erect highly intrusive wind turbines – pull the other one!

