A 20-YEAR fight for clear road signage in Milford Haven has been won, thanks to the persistence of one of its newest town councillors.

Local businesswoman and recently elected councillor Lynne Turner has long campaigned that a sign for town centre parking has been incorrectly sited at the entrance to Robert Street.

"I have been fighting for 20 years to get the county council to acknowledge that this is misleading, with no avail," said Cllr Turner.

"I knew that people who were not familiar with the area would follow it, pass through Robert Street, think that was all that was to offer and then leave by Doctor's hill and out of town.

"In a month, I had found three people who had done this at some point.

"One didn't know Charles Street existed until I drew her a map."

In a letter the county council, Cllr Turner wrote: "It is very misleading and I now have proof that it is damaging to the businesses in Charles Street, as it diverts potential business away from the town centre area."

But now, thanks to the help of Sinead Henehan, the local authority's community safety, poverty and regeneration manager, the sign has been amended.

"It may seem like a small victory, but I am glad that with Sinead's help and direction, we have finally been heard by the county council," said Cllr Turner.

She said the new signage would hopefully "help give Charles Street a fighting chance, to be found, if nothing else".

"We will never know how many people have actually been misled by the sign over the years, but it is far clearer now and hopefully we will see some benefit in the months and years to come," she added.

"I shall continue to speak up for the town centre businesses for as long as I can, and with the new business group taking shape we hope that Pembrokeshire County Council continues to work with us in the future."