TWELVE Pembrokeshire schools could win £1,000 each, thanks to South Hook LNG.

The firm has launched a new and exciting challenge for its tenth annual calendar competition.

Children are invited to use a variety of recycled or scrap materials in the development of a Mascot – either an existing, or entirely new character - that carries an important message in areas of safety or environmental awareness.

The twelve winning entries will feature in the South Hook LNG Calendar for 2018.

Mariam Dalziel, PR manager at South Hook, said: “We want to celebrate our tenth calendar competition with an extra special challenge for Pembrokeshire schools.

"Over the years, we have received amazingly colourful and creative artwork from schoolchildren across our county.

“For the 2018 Calendar, we are looking for collaborative entries from either classes or teams, and hope that teachers, parent and friends associations will also be willing to get involved.

"By engaging children in a team entry, supporting messages of environmental or safety commitment through use of recycled materials, we hope to support important learning.”

Posters for the competition have been sent to Pembrokeshire schools and include details of the rules and entry requirements.