LEARNING Welsh tops the list of New Year resolutions for many people in the Cardigan area this year.

So much so, a new beginners' course has been arranged in the town.

Information stalls were set up in the Tesco and Aldi stores on January 2 and there was such huge interest, organisers realised they would need more spaces.

The new course will start at Cardigan Castle, in the Stables (entry from the Strand opposite the Cardigan Bathroom Centre) on Wednesday, January 27.

Richard Vale, the tutor who will be teaching the course said: "The class will start at 9.30am and finish at 2pm, with coffee and lunch breaks.

"We have a lot of fun in the class, and the students learn really fast too," explained Richard Vale, the tutor who'll be teaching the course.

"It's all aimed at helping people to learn and use everyday local conversational Welsh. There are lots of exercises to help make speaking Welsh feel natural, and this can develop surprisingly quickly. There's on-line support and social conversation groups too, so that everyone can practise outside the class as well as in it."

And the Tesco and Aldi stores have both been very supportive of the classes, organisers said.

There are classes for all levels, day and evening, throughout the area, organised by Aberystwyth University and by Ceredigion County Council.

For more information about any of the courses, contact Richard Vale on 01239 711653 or email richard_vale1@yahoo.com, or Philippa Gibson on 01239 654561email philippa.gibson@gmail.com.