SULLY and Lavernock Community Library has celebrated its first volunteer-run year with a range of special activities.

Volunteers and library members attended the event on Saturday, September 2.

There were craft and story-telling sessions for younger members and older members were treated to an enthusiastic and informative talk by American author Kyra Kramer who enjoys living in Sully.

Ms Kramer gave a brief overview of her historical books on Henry VIII and misrepresented queens and then in celebration of the 200th anniversary of the death of Jane Austen gave visitors an in-depth account of her book Mansfield Parsonage which “retells the story of Mansfield Park from the perspective of Mary Crawford’s hopes and aspirations, and shows how Fanny Price’s happily-ever-after came at Mary’s expense. Or did it?”

Library user, Helen Turner, of Penarth, said: “I couldn’t wait to start reading Kyra’s novel Mansfield Parsonage after hearing her talk about Jane Austen and her novels. Her research into the politics and social conventions of the day reveals a whole new level of interest in Jane Austen’s stories.”