A PLANNING inspector has dismissed an appeal made against a decision to erect three dwellings on land to the rear of Fermoy House, Hubberston, Milford Haven.

However, planning inspector A L McCooey overturned a decision made to deny permission for the construction of one dwelling on the same site.

The appeal heard how permission was sought by Nathan Thomas to construct three terraced properties on a paddock to the rear of existing buildings.

It was refused due to the effect on the living conditions of the occupants of no. 1 Green Terrace.

Access to the paddock is via a shared lane running between Fermoy House (to the west) and no.1 Green terrace.

The increase in traffic was deemed to having an adverse effect on the privacy of no.1 due to the close proximity of the property’s side windows and the increase in disturbance of extra traffic and pedestrian access.

The planning inspector, while acknowledging the same issues apply to the erection of one dwelling concluded that the impact on the living conditions of the occupants of no. 1 Green Terrace of one dwelling on the site would “not be so severe as to justify the refusal of planning permission”.