MAYOR of Pembroke Cllr Gareth Jones is encouraging his local churches to raise up another generation of street pastors.

Reflecting on all he heard at the recent Pembroke Street Pastors’ AGM, held in Pembroke Town Hall, he said: “I have seen and worked with the street pastors from the beginning in Pembroke. Through my community role and as a station officer with the Coastguard Search and Rescue I have always thought the service the street pastors provide is hugely beneficial to our town and community.

“The street pastors have an engaging and calming influence on the streets of Pembroke. Their selfless efforts in all weathers with the clear message that they are here to help and support only. Everyone is respected and that has fed through to the character of the revellers during busy Friday and Saturday nights - we are all grateful.

“As time moves on those volunteers must look to be succeeded by the next generation while there is sufficient opportunity to see the experience and knowledge gained passed on to new volunteers and continue the positive role and standing the street pastors have gained within our community”

Local coordinator Lyn Edwards said: “I would like to thank all those that have helped us over the last year, those who have given up their time to serve our community, for the gifts of money, equipment and supplies we have received. And, of course, those who have helped with training and administration and for the constant prayers that have kept us going.

“Street Pastors is a wide inclusive ecumenical movement made up of local churches working together and over seen by Ascension Trust. We work in partnership with the police, local councils and a range of voluntary and statutory organisations in order to reach and help those in need. We patrol mostly on a Saturday night between the hours of 11pm and 3.30am, supporting the late-night economy.

“We are the church on the streets ready to listen, care, help and support anyone in need without any discrimination. Pembroke Street Pastors has a rigorous recruitment and training programme which includes Enhanced DBS checks and over 50 hours of training. We are overseen by a local management team and accountable to local churches

“We have 15 active street pastors and are looking for more recruits if you are interested please make contact with us. We are also looking for more prayer pastors. It’s not easy being on the streets in the early hours but it is the time we are most needed and it’s a real privilege to be able to serve our community. God is at work as we serve Him. We are His hands and feet and He calls us to go and share His love”.