To celebrate World Mental Health day today, October 10, we are sharing tips, information and advice from mental health charity Mind on how to look after your mental health.

The next technique recommended on the Mind website is to look after your physical health. The techniques the charity recommends are listed below:

Drink water regularly

Drinking enough water is important for your mental and physical health. The NHS has more information about water, drinks and your health.

Think about your diet

Try to eat regular meals and have a balanced diet, as this can help your mood and energy levels. See Mind's pages on food and mood for more information. If you have a difficult relationship with food and eating, its pages on eating problems have information and tips which may help.

Look after yourself

Basic self-care, like brushing your teeth or having a shower, is important for your physical health and can help you feel better. If you're struggling, try to set yourself small goals, like getting up and washing your face.

Try to avoid drugs and alcohol

You might feel like using drugs or alcohol to cope with any difficult feelings. But in the long run they can make you feel worse. See Mind's pages on recreational drugs and alcohol to find out more.

Try to keep active

Try to build physical activity into your daily routine, if possible. It doesn't have to be anything big, like running a marathon. If you aren't used to being active, start off small and try to find something you enjoy.

Mind's pages on physical activity and your mental health have ideas for most ages and abilities, including things you can do at home. The NHS also has a page of sitting exercises that you could try.

"I aim to go for a walk at lunchtime during the working week. It gives me time to clear my head from the morning which helps prepare me for the afternoon stint. It also reminds me that Monday-Friday isn’t all about work. I need to also look after myself."