The mayor of Milford Haven, Cllr Kathy Gray, has officially been voted in by town council members to carry on in her position as mayor for the civic year 2022-23.

This is due to the civic year of 2021-22 being disrupted due to Covid-19 restrictions, with the mayor unable to attend or hold many events.

Cllr Gray was named mayor at the annual meeting of the council on May 17, 2021, when Cllr Yvonne Southwell proposed that Cllr Gray be elected in as mayor for the civic year 2021-22.

Cllr Gray then spoke of her intentions to stay on as mayor for another year at the full council meeting on the evening of Monday, February 28, to which all nine present councillors were in favour.

Other councillors were then emailed to give their views on Cllr Gray staying on for another civic year, with the matter being discussed at the most recent full council meeting, held on Monday, April 25.

The town council members were very positive about Cllr Gray staying on as mayor for another year, as Cllr Guy Woodham formally proposed that she stays on, followed by a unanimous agreement.

It was also decided that Cllr Gray’s deputy mayor, Cllr Carol Stevens, shall remain in her position for a further year.