Police have confirmed that a serious sex offender, wanted on recall to prison, has been spotted in a Pembrokeshire town centre.

Devon and Cornwall Police are looking for James Campbell, a 51-year-old convicted sex offender, who is wanted to return to prison.


He had been convicted of ‘serious sexual offences’ and was out on licence, but has since had this revoked.

Milford Mercury: Members of the public are being urged not to approach Campbell but to ring 999. Members of the public are being urged not to approach Campbell but to ring 999. (Image: Devon and Cornwall Police)

The force state the 5ft 4in, stocky male has links to Plymouth, Torquay, Bournemouth, north Yorkshire, the south coast of England and Scotland.

Yesterday Dyfed-Powys Police stated that intelligence that he could be in Pembrokeshire, with the most recent information suggesting the Milford Haven area. This evening they have confirmed that he has been sighted in recent days in Haverfordwest town centre.

Milford Mercury: Campbell has distictive tribal tattoos on his hand. Campbell has distictive tribal tattoos on his hand. (Image: Devon and Cornwall Police)

Campbell has some greying stubble and has distinctive tribal tattoos and a noticeable lazy right eye.

Anyone who sees Campbell should call police immediately on 999 using the reference 50220049168 and must not approach him.


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