A Pembrokeshire optician who has been working towards her chosen career since she was a teenager has been shortlisted for an inaugural industry award.

Emily Couling, 25, who works at Specsavers Pembroke Dock, is a finalist for the Pre-registration Optometrist of the Year award at the Optometry Wales Awards 2023.

www.specsavers.co.uk/pembrokedock The winner of the award will be announced at a glittering awards ceremony this Saturday, November 25, at Portland House, Cardiff.

Emily, who has been employed at the Diamond Street store since she was 18, said: “I had no idea I’d been nominated for an award, so it was such a nice surprise when the finalists were announced.

“It's nice to have my colleagues recognise the care and passion I have for the job and our customers.”

Andrew Williams, Specsavers Pembroke Dock director, who nominated Emily for the award, added: “We are so pleased for Emily – she has been a real asset to our team since she first joined seven years ago.’ “At Specsavers, we’re very passionate about providing our local community with not only the best eye and ear care, but also the best careers.

“Emily started with us just before she went to university so to see her close to becoming a fully qualified optometrist is very rewarding.

“We are all incredibly proud of her, and, regardless of whether she wins the award, we know she’ll have a long and successful career.”