One of Pembrokeshire’s oldest residents, whose long life involved mixing with film stars and socialising with Roger Moore, has died at the age of 109.

Ivy Skeate was well-known locally, having run West End Stores in Newport for many years alongside her husband, James.

She was born in 1914, the same year that Great Britain declared war on Germany and just two years after the Titanic went down.

Milford Mercury: Ivy Skeate with her family and staff at Hillside Care Home on her 109th birthday last November.

Ivy was born in Southwark, south London, and as an infant her policeman grandfather patrolled the streets of south London giving residents the all-clear following zeppelin raids with shrill blasts of his whistle.

At the age of 11 Ivy won a scholarship to Grey Coat Grammar School, which she attended until the age of 16.

On leaving school she worked as a receptionist for Universal Studios, meeting the well-known film stars of the day.

After she left Universal she bumped into Roger Moore in the Red Lion pub in Carmarthenshire. She was with friends from the film industry and the famous James Bond actor bought them all a drink.

Milford Mercury: Ivy Skeate, believed to be Pembrokeshire's oldest resident has died at the age of 109.

Ivy met her husband James Arthur Skeate as a teen when he attended the boy's school neighbouring Grey Coat. The pair also taught at Sunday School together. They were engaged when they were both 21 and married at 23. They had two daughters Margaret and Irene.

The family moved to Carmarthenshire after Mr Skeate, an Oxyacetylene engineer, was offered a job there.

The family decided they wanted to stay in west Wales and live by the sea. They moved to Newport in 1966 where Ivy and James ran a small grocery shop, West End Stores, for many years. Ivy was widowed in 1988.

Milford Mercury: Ivy blows out the candles on her 106th birthday.

She was a member of the congregation of St Mary’s Church and active in the Mothers’ Union. She also enjoyed reading, sewing, going out and meeting people and travelling to visit family.

She was a dog lover and showed her dogs at local competitions when she was younger.

She was a proud grandmother of three and great grandmother of five.

Ivy moved to Hillside Care Home in Goodwick since 2013 where she still enjoyed a game of bingo after lunch on a Wednesday and Sunday.

Milford Mercury: Ivy on her 108th birthday with her first birthday card from King Charles.

Ivy celebrated her 109th birthday at Hillside last November.

“She would say ‘I’m still on my feet’ she walked with a frame and used a wheelchair, said her daughter Irene. “She was still happy and enjoying life and still knew who we all were.”

Ivy died at Hillside after a short illness.

“They gave her excellent care there,” said Irene. She had her milestone birthdays and cards from both Queen Elizabeth and King Charles as well as two parties on her 100th,” said Irene.

“I will remember her as a lovely mum who was also quite a character.”