Child health in Wales must be improved according to The Welsh Royal Colleges Child Health Collaborative (WRCCHC).

Formed by 20 Royal Colleges and professional bodies, WRCCHC has recently reached out to the First Minister of Wales, asking how his government plans to better child health conditions and extend support to the workforce taking care of them.

WRCCHC, which focuses on children and young individuals, is dedicated to enhancing the understanding of the existing and necessary support required for their betterment.

WRCCHC, consisting of Royal Colleges and professional bodies, have an abundance of expertise in pharmacy, nursing, public, and oral health, and medical professions in primary, secondary, and community care.

Recent health studies conducted by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Academy of Medical Sciences have drawn attention to a progressive decrease in child health.

Health professionals agree with the grave warning issued in these reports as they witness on a daily basis the negative impact of deteriorating child health, the unequal toll of health disparities on children, and its long-term effect on the well-being of individuals.

Concerning health issues like infant mortality, obesity, and tooth decay not only pose a threat to the future of the nation’s youngest, but also to the economic potential of the nation.

They say the problems observed today will influence the health of future generations, our economic prospects, and will become increasingly expensive to handle in the long run.

In a statement, Dr Nick Wilkinson, RCPCH officer for Wales, said: "We see every day the lasting impact child health inequalities and the devastating impact of poor child health on the child and their families.

"Recent figures and reports show that we cannot continue the way we are and there needs to be a change in attitudes and a shift in perspective."

Dr Wilkinson continued with his concerns, stating: "This is why we have convened the Welsh Royal Colleges Child Health Collaborative and have urgently asked the First Minister how his government will improve child health and support the workforce.

"Together as 20 royal colleges and professional bodies, we want to urgently work with the Welsh government to improve health outcomes."

While voicing her support for the collaborative, Dr Rowena Christmas, RCGP Wales Cymru Board chairperson, said: "Societal inequalities are proven to have a negative effect on child health that can persist into adulthood.

"We have a duty to preserve the health and wellbeing of our children and young people, and as healthy children become healthy adults, there is a strong economic argument for this."

Lastly, Dr Geraldine McCaffrey, chairperson of Royal Pharmaceutical Society Wales, expressed hope, saying: "We hope the Welsh Government listens to our concerns and commits to working closely with the newly established WRCCHC so that children and families in Wales get the highest level of health care and support."

The letter to the First Minister was endorsed by the Royal Colleges of paediatrics and child health, general practitioners, emergency medicine, midwives, nursing, occupational therapists, pathologists, physicians, podiatry, psychiatrists, speech and language therapists and surgeons of Edinburgh.

It was also endorsed by the British Dental Association, British Psychological Society, Chartered Society of Physiotherapists, College of Paramedics, Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, Royal Pharmaceutical Society and the Society of Radiographers.