I see that the infamous Kashmiri goats of the Great Orme Country Park are causing problems in the manicured gardens of Llandudno.

If wardens want to cut down on numbers, I am prepared to re-home ten in my Cardigan Island Coastal Farm Park tourist attraction at Gwbert, as long as someone can transport them down to me.

Provided that the ten do not comprise any more than two males, and that they are all young and healthy, they'd be welcome here. They'd have a good home here! Plenty of grass!

I wonder if the West Wales Wildlife Trust would also consider re-homing another 20 or so, on the 40 acre ,very grassy, Cardigan Island, which is a Nature Reserve 300 metres off Cardigan Island Coastal Farm Park.

Cardigan Island is only presently occupied by seabirds. It used to have a flock of wild Soay sheep until some years ago. Kashmiri goats should thrive on its abundant rough grazing and cliffs.They would be better than sheep in keeping the long grass in check.

By the way, I believe that one of them became Shenkin IV, the proud mascot of the British Army's Royal Welsh Regiment.

So , since Shenkin or Siencyn is the Welsh for Jenkins, I feel pretty sure that his extended family would feel quite at home here amongst us Jenkinses....... Seriously!! Not kidding!!


Cardigan Island Coastal Farm Park,
