At the same meeting where councillors talked of “conjuring up savings”  it was also agreed to give £20,000 to organisers of a popular triathlon.

Cabinet approved the financial support for Activity Wales’ Long Course Weekend in Tenby for one year but wanted a business case showing the benefit to Pembrokeshire before further funding was provided.

Activity Wales has requested the financial support “in order to enable this event to grow sustainably.”

In 2018, the event, televised in 100 countries, attracted 8,700 athletes, with over 160,000 ‘bed nights’ created, a report for members states.

The event is considered a “strong platform to promote Pembrokeshire on a national and international standing.”

Pembrokeshire County Council currently has £4,000 allocated in its budget for the event and provides ‘in kind’ services such as by waiving fees for StreetCare and parking services, road closure order costs, and ensuring a council event control lead officer works alongside Activity Wales.

Cabinet members heard on Monday (October 8) that the company wanted to close roads for its cycling event next year which would cost around £60,000 but also attract thousands of extra entrants.

Cllr Paul Miller said that the event brought benefits to Tenby and Pembrokeshire as a whole, adding they were “important for our brand locally and internationally.”

He also said it was time the council reviewed its support for the tourist industry as a whole.

Cllr Neil Prior said that while he supported the event he questioned what the council and county was getting for its money.

This was reiterated by Cllr David Lloyd who said it would be “interesting to see some of the benefits quantified.”

Chief executive Ian Westley likened the potential benefits to those of the Ironman event, adding while being “mindful” of the council’s financial pressures, if it did not support such events “they will probably be lost to the county.”

Forward planning was said to be a reason to sign up to a three year deal said Cllr Pat Davies.

But councillors voted in favour of Cllr Prior’s amendment to agree the first year’s funding followed bu an analysis of what benefits were made to the economy.