Dear editor, I read with great interest and genuine concern about the Estyn and CSSIW reports highlighting certain issues about our children. As a father and grandfather,with grandchildren in Wales it is this area which grabs my concern.

I applaud and feel heartened a committee has been set up to address these issues of concern which is needed and obviously will be addresssed.Would appropiate parents maybe be a consideration on the panel for at least their input?

As a child I feel I was so lucky in that I was a wanted child in a large family with loving parents. I had nothing materialistic in comparison as a child has today but my memories are of security, love and the time my parents gave me which are embedded in my memory which will always outlive the bought consumer items.

They have a price – my childhood memories are priceless in that it moulded me and countless others as respectable, useful members of society.

The recent disruption on streets and cities in the UK are inexcusable pointers that not only society but the very fabric of family life is not as it should be. I could go further but that is not my perogative.

The saying “that the youth of today is tomorrow’s future” is not just an adage but a stark reality so I wish the people involved in this project put all issues in perspective and totally support our youth to convince them they have a future in society for all the good reasons.

Tim McMahon Military Road Pennar Pembroke Dock