Dear editor, RE the recent article about a bowel postal screening service and urging people to take advantage. This is not just common sense but literally a ‘life or death’ and needed decision.

This postal service test is a vital necessity to conform to. It costs nothing and is all done by yourself in your own home.

I applaud the facility, of which I was lucky enough to receive a test pack for the first time recently, and was more than willing to oblige and carry out the procedure.

The results were delivered within weeks and what a relief to be informed that there was nothing to worry about.

Men especially are renowned for not visiting their GP for whatever concern, especially matters in this area, so this screening service is easily done in your own abode without anyone else involved.

The article mentions Mr Mathias, who was his consultant, and I can only echo that I have seen Mr Mathias for medical reasons and he is a perfect gentleman.

As well as his medical skills, he has an art at putting you at ease when you are confronting an embarassing situation – we are lucky to have these people available to care for us.

The moral of the letter is use what facilities we are offered as we do not want to be reliant on having to pay for what we have come to treasure as a vital lifeline in the form of the NHS, the greatest innovation by Welshman Nye Bevan whose dream of available free health to all was formed in the 1950s. It’s a service which has saved and cured so many millions of grateful patients.

So no privatision by any means of the NHS which is our birthright – hands off those who would envisage such an injustice to us the electorate!

Tim McMahon Military Road Pennar