WHILE walking our dogs around Point Fields in Hakin recently, we have come across wandering hedgehogs.

Being during the day and given hedgehogs’ nocturnal nature, it was evident that something was amiss and we started looking for advice.

Gratefully we learned of Beryl Steadman and her “Wobblyhogs Hogspital” in Haverfordwest. Beryl was able to admit our little fellow, who she later named Marcus, and treated him for lungworm.

Two weeks later and we have now brought him home to release back into the wild, a somewhat larger and more agile chap indeed.

Beryl regularly drops everything to attend to new arrivals, often feeding them every four hours through the night.

The work the hogspital does in helping, treating and nurturing these marvellous little characters is truly wonderful and yet dearly in need of support.

MARK RICHARDS Picton Road Milford Haven