RECENTLY I attended a marvellous charity concert in Milford, opened by Mayor Guy Woodham, and what a wonderful evening we all had.

All the performers and volunteer helpers were local people giving their time freely and cheerfully. Don’t you think these folk deserve all the support and appreciation we can give?

The acts were all terrific, giving us beautiful ballads, powerful Pink Floyd, virtuoso guitar, enthusiastic youngsters line-dancing to “Cotton- Eye Joe”, rock’n’roll (“Nigel on the bins” in colourful Teddy-boy gear), stand-up comedy of south Wales life to rival Max Boyce, and many more – such a terrific variety bill! It was a show with real heart.

They were raising funds to send Milford volunteers out to Kasambya, Uganda, to help build a school for a very deprived community out there.

I was so impressed that I want to tell everybody about it and say a thank-you and well done to all involved.

What a great effort from Milford Haven at its best.