HOW disparaging and critical we, as a British nation, have become looking to reveal the sinister as opposed to passing on complements.

I believe the reaction to Liam Williams’s party piece is quite outrageous and totally taken out of all proportion.

Should I want to attend a carnival or go to a party dressed up as Nelson Mandela or Dr Martin Luther King I would be doing so to simply acknowledge the greatness of their work and the stature that they had achieved in their life.

Conversely should a black person want to dress up as Sir Winston Churchill or even our Queen Elisabeth II they would also be paying those great people the complement that they deserve.

Why do people immediately react in a way that makes out that the actions of such folk are derogatory and hurtful?

We all need to realise, and particularly those in the media who are always ready to pounce on the wrong end of a story, that throughout the world there are great people no matter what is the colour of their skin.

I am sure that the majority of us do NOT have bad thoughts; we are only trying to acknowledge and revere the efforts, good work and impact that people such as Wilfred Bony have made to our community.

