MOTORISTS can expect some traffic disruption when the roads around the Cleddau Bridge are resurfaced later this month. Work on the Cleddau Bridge roundabout and the area around the toll booths is due to start on Monday, July 29th and is expected to last around six weeks.

It will also involve the reconstruction of the lanes next to the ticket booths.

A Pembrokeshire County Council spokesman said the work is “part of the county council’s commitment to improve the condition of the county’s roads.”

She added: “Unfortunately work of this nature will cause some disruption to traffic.

“However, it is envisaged that by using the same traffic management arrangements that were used successfully some years ago when the bridge itself was resurfaced, disruption can be kept to a minimum.”

During the work, temporary toll booths will be used and traffic flows will be monitored by the council with appropriate measures taken if excessive congestion occurs at peak times.

The lay-by areas near the Cleddau Bridge office will be closed and anyone wishing to purchase books of toll tickets should use the small car park alongside the offices.

Directions to the car park and the office will be clearly signed.

The spokesman added: “This area was last resurfaced around 30 years ago and it is envisaged that the new surface will provide a similar lifespan.”

Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd will be carrying out the work.

For more information contact the council on 01437 770124 or 01437 775992.